Friday, November 6, 2009

Body Building Diet

Understanding Body Building Diet Basics

Legendary body building mogul Joe Weider once said that the true secret to body building success what found in the proper body building diet. What Weider meant was that people who over eat and pack their body with fat ultimately harm all the benefits of body building because the lean, ripped look becomes impossible to attain. Hence, if you eat the proper body building diet of low fat, high protein and decent carbs you will do ok. Now, while a body building diet will consume more calories than a common diet, there are certain considerations that also must be understood as well.

Basic Metabolism and Basic Myths

While it is true that a ton of calories eaten will be burned while working out, there will also be a metabolic calorie burning effect that will occur as well, but please keep in mind that it is wrong to over do it! The larger the mass of a person is, the more the person will want to eat more and more.

This is not a bizarre side effect it is simply a logical reaction the body will have to maintaining a significant volume of muscle mass. Keep in mind, muscle is significantly more dense than fat and this means that muscle will require more calories to maintain its size. This is why muscle bound people do not pack on fat when they increase their calorie intake – the muscles burn the calories by “eating” the excess calories. Now, that is often misunderstood by people as a green light to eat whatever it is they want and in massive quantities.

This is a huge fallacy of the body building diet. That is, you will increase your calorie intake…slightly…but if you increase it ridiculously then you will start to pack on a lot of fat on top of whatever muscle that you have. The resultant physique will make you look like someone who enjoys working out, but enjoys overeating more. That is hardly the type of physique to aspire!

As one can see, there is a great deal of common sense associated with the body building diet. Basically, if you eat quality food you can get away with eating a lot provided you have solid muscle mass. However, once you slip into the fallacy of eating whatever you want and in significant amounts that far exceed what you need, you will find yourself undermining your own goals. Now who would want that?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Health and Fitness Body Building

Euro Millions Live

Health and Fitness Body Building Tips for Women

Just a decade or two ago, it was not fashionable for women to be in the weight room confines of a gym. Rather, women were relegated to walking, jazzercise, aerobics and other similar type of pursuits to lose weight. However, these days, many women think nothing of pumping iron with the men to achieve overall health and fitness body building benefits.

Why is weight training so important to women in the pursuit of health and fitness body building? The reason why it is so important is because it jumpstarts their metabolism and therefore provides a more efficient and effective way to burn calories. As muscles start to gain mass from the weight training, more calories are being burned off in order to fuel this muscle transformation.

It’s All about Balance

When it comes to health and fitness body building for women, weight training does not leave much room for fat to stick around and that is a great thing. Women will actually lose some fat if they decide to tweak their diet a bit and lower calorie intake. Doing so allows the new burgeoning muscle to eat up the calories you consume as well as take care of some of the calories held in reserve in body fat.

There is a balance that must be determined in the diet to avoid the body from retaliating by shrinking muscle and storing more fat than before to compensate. In addition, while training with weights is not considered an aerobic activity, studies have shown that it will still elevate the heart rate just as like cardiovascular exercise which is important in the burning of fat.

No Fear about Bulking Up

In health and fitness body building for women, there should be no hesitation about starting a work out plan. Weight training does not ad bulky mass to a woman’s body unless they pump steroids into their blood stream. Rather weight training for women creates a solid, fibrous muscle with less fat content which actually serves to provide a smaller, svelter appearance.

Women are genetically predisposed toward less muscle mass when compared to men and as a result will have lovelier feminine curves with weigh training. Many experts warn women who embark on a health and fitness body building regiment to not hop on the scale for a while.

The reason is because muscle actually weighs more than fat does which can be a bit disconcerting at first. However, with less fat on their frame, women will discover that they could weigh the same before the weight training but wear a few sizes smaller. Less fat and more muscles is what matters in terms of health and fitness body building for women.

Senior Bodybuilding

Senior Body building: Simple Steps That Will Ensure Both Better Health And Safety

Senior bodybuilding is an activity that can prove to be very beneficial because it helps to create a healthier senior person and it improves the condition of the heart, and can even can prove to be a good means of prolonging life, and there is another advantage to senior bodybuilding and that is that it helps to make an elderly person look as much as ten years younger and thus contributes to feelings of well being as well as improves the confidence levels also.

Learn About The Best Means

There is also enough evidence to suggest that senior bodybuilding contributes to improved health, though it is still necessary to learn about the best means that will help form more muscle mass even though there is nothing novel in such means which everyone can try with good results as well.

There is nothing to suggest that senior bodybuilding is in any way different to what other people do though obviously there is a greater need to perform the bodybuilding exercises slower, and if suffering from health problems, should need to consult a doctor first. For senior bodybuilding, it is still necessary to get professional advice first before proceeding any further, and in any case, it is always better to put safety ahead in everything that you do.

Once you are sure that you want to indulge in senior bodybuilding, it would mean lifting the right amount of weight that will cause your muscles to fail which would in turn require you to use more intensity which may even cause your muscles to tear or break down. However, once your muscles heal, you will find them to have built up more muscle mass which would improve even further with the proper diet that includes taking of high amount of protein. That in turn means eating a gram of protein for each pound of your body weight on a daily basis and though this is quite some amount of protein, you can still achieve your goal by taking protein supplements and in addition, also eat vegetables that help in the healing of muscles and so does eating of fruits.

Thus, despite the fact that there is no best method for senior bodybuilding, there is nevertheless need to lift the weights in an appropriate manner and in this regard you must always remember to wear a weight belt which will prevent hypertension and you should also lift weights when there is a spotter present who can help prevent you from hurting you.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Body Building Techniques

About Some Very Common Body Building Techniques

Engaging in weight training requires performance of a number of steps and which also involve learning the correct body building techniques which will help in attaining a better form and which will thus lead to performing harder exercises rather than easier ones. Thus, to improve your physique you will have a number of different body building techniques to choose from including negatives, pyramids and drop sets, giant steps as well as twenty-ones, partial reps and even forced reps.

Choose According To Your Requirements

Obviously, you need to choose the body building technique that best suits your needs and you may even need to consider using constant tension without actually attaining a locking point which is a body building technique that is very effective in many an exercise. In addition, it is also important to make full contraction along with full range of stretch exercises that will require you to perform each rep of each exercise at the fullest range of motion.

You may also want to use body building technique known as giant step in which you will need to work on single muscle groups which means performing three different exercises while laying emphasis on a particular muscle and though it may be used on each muscle in the body, when exercising the back you will need to be more selective and careful.

Another one of the many body building techniques that you may want to use is drop sets that are ideal for rounding off your workout on certain muscles and which will cause you to feel pumped up especially in your muscles and which will also drain off all of your remaining energy from your muscles.

In the same vein, you can choose to do twenty-ones that is another bodybuilding technique in which each and every area of your muscle is worked rather than any one range, and you should also think constantly about maintaining tension at the time when you increase tension on your muscle while performing your reps.

There are also super sets that are another of the many body building techniques you would want to use which will exercise certain range of muscles and which will totally exhaust your muscle fibers and which will also work on two separate muscle groups. Perhaps the simplest technique that you can use is to slow down your reps and repeating them in a slow manner makes the reps more effective since it improves the form and will also provide a fillip to development of muscles.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bodybuilding Routines

Bodybuilding Routines Work Differently For Each Individual

Depending on who designs them, bodybuilding routines can vary to an extent that spans quite a few routines or many, though you can expect that the best routines are those that provide the required results in the shortest possible period of time. Thus, most people would rather choose bodybuilding routines that will maximize the benefits accrued while causing them to perform as little work as is possible, which has given rise to a greater demand for the best in bodybuilding routines.

Copying Is Not The Answer

For budding bodybuilders, it may come as a small surprise to learn that achieving the type of body Arnold Schwarzenegger has is not all about reading up Pumping Iron and copying the moves that Arnie made in his prime. Thus, those who feel that copying bodybuilding routines such as those used by a Mr. Universe or a Mr. Olympias may end up a bit disappointed when their bodies do not become the sculpted masterpieces that Arnold achieved or those of other Mr. Universes.

There is nothing wrong with copying these bodybuilding routines except that you cannot hope to achieve exalted levels in as short a space of time since these routines will not provide you with those kinds of results in less time than is absolutely necessary. And, what works for one person need not work with another person and no bodybuilding routines will provide the same results for everyone, and it does mean using different weights and different exercises as well as different amounts of reps after which you can then expect to have the sculpted body that you so much wanted. Thus, you should be prepared to go through trial and error phases and success and failure will also rise and fall as you try and modify your bodybuilding routines to suit your needs the best.

Another important consideration for you to carefully take into account is the need for change, since even if particular bodybuilding routines are working well for you, they still requires modifying the routines through the addition or elimination of certain exercises which will then help chisel your body the way that you want. In addition, bodybuilding routines can be enhanced further by taking the proper nutrition that will aid your routines.

It is also necessary to realize that bodybuilding routines should not be performed longer than is absolutely necessary, which in most instances would be no longer than seventy-five minutes in a single session and that the maximum sessions you should perform your routines per week should not exceed five. Beyond that, your body may actually wilt under the strain and in any case by overdoing the routines, you will need a longer recuperation period.

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Body Building Tips

Some Important Body Building Tips

Everyone is looking for new body building tips. Usually, these new tips are designed to replace the old body building tips…or at least that is the idea. In other words, people are looking for “secrets” that will help them to develop a new breakthrough that will provide the break in the plateau that they may find themselves. There is, of course, nothing wrong with this approach, but it does ignore a simple common sense approach that can provide them with the true success that they desire. You see, the true secret to body building success lies in the fact that proper and successful body building is rooted in simplicity and not in any magic formulas.

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The Best of All Tips

If there was a king of all body building tips that was the most critically important tip to follow it would be to avoid overtraining. What overtraining entails is working out too many times per work or working out for durations that are excessive. (Excessive would generally be anything longer than one hour straight) Also, it is also unwise to work out if you feel sick or are seemingly suffering from an injury so as not to aggravate the injury. Now, there are those individuals out there who may be reading this and saying…no way! If you don’t work hard, you won’t make any gains! Well, this is partially true. One of the most critical of all body building tips, however, is that not only must one work hard one must also work smart!

If a person works himself too hard in the gym, the body simple will not grow muscle. In fact, the body might reject the additional stress and start to atrophy instead. Clearly, this is not what anyone working out could ever want so it would be wise to avoid such excessive training. Instead, simple consistency of attending the gym (3 or 4 times a week) and working out at a moderate to difficult pace would be enough to make further gains. If one is working himself to the point that injuries are common then the entire process will be self defeating. Clearly, this is the best of all body building tips.

So, if there was a moral to the story it would be that there are no magic formulas and that the body does have a limit. When pushing oneself beyond the limits of good sense, success will not be achieved…it will be eradicated.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Body Building

Lou Ferigno: Legend of Body Building

If there ever was a true legend in the sport of body building it would be the legendary Lou Ferigno. In the 1970’s, Ferigno was a true rags to riches story as he came from humble origins to worldwide fame as a bodybuilder and then to even greater fame in his endearing portrayal of the titular green monster in the classic television program THE INCREDIBLE HULK. While some may be familiar with Lou and his work, they may not be all that familiar with his background which may prove to be quite interesting even to those who do not follow the sport.

Early Years

Lou Ferigno was born in Brooklyn New York in the 1950’s and had the handicap of being deaf. Since attitudes towards the hearing impaired were not exactly progressive during this time period, Lou became somewhat withdrawn and isolated. While in his teens he would discover a new hobby in the form of weightlifting. Lou became enamored with this new hobby to the point of obsession. He would work out everyday and watch his diet religiously. In time, he would set his sights on competing in amateur body building competitions. He entered them and did well enough that he caught the eye of body building mogul Joe Weider who brought Lou into the fold of professional body building competition. Lou did extremely well in this new profession although he alternated his time between competing and working in construction as construction paid far more than professional body building! Lou would then become featured in the classic documentary PUMPING IRON, a documentary that would bring him to the attention of a number of Hollywood producers.

The Hulk

When former James Bond villain Richard “Jaws” Kiel bombed as the Hulk during the first few days of shooting the pilot for the TV series, Ferigno got the call to play the green goliath. While few believed this series would be a hit, it turned out to be a colossal hit lasting many years on network TV and decades in syndication. Ferigno was now a bona fide worldwide star!

Ferigno no longer competes in body building these days as he is well into his retirement years. He does, however, appear at numerous competitions as a special guest and as a judge. He also signs autographs at comic conventions and meets with all his fans who have followed his career through the years. In terms of pop culture history, Lou Ferigno is a true icon and definitely one of a kind!